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Episode 4: Pg 31

One page to go before we move into the next issue- SORT OF.

I would like to run a week’s worth of guest comics or art from the 8th to the 15th, so by all means send me something. You can even do something crossoverish to promote your own comic as I am TOTES COOL WIT DAT.

Also, if you aren’t a member of the Cosmic Dash facebook club you should consider joining because I am going to be doing weekly trivia. The first correct answer earns the… answerer?… a sketch. It’s pretty fun for me to come up with questions, and all questions come from reading comics or the short stories. No tricks!

There will be a Saturday stream this week as well, so see you then! Last week I stepped away from Cosmic Dash to do a neat draft of a future Legend of Zelda piece.

Also, since next week’s update will occur the day after Halloween I just want to say… HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

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