This page covers general information about the science fiction series Cosmic Dash. This page links to other specific sections about the series. Enjoy this science fiction series with other readers. Please, join the larger community if you are so inspired!
About the Talent
David Davis is the creator of Cosmic Dash and Silver Spiral Stories. You can find much of his work on his portfolio website. He is highly active on Mastodon and Discord. Feel free to e-mail him with any burning questions or anger about a lack of updates.
David is fortunate to have worked with a fantastic roster of contributors to the science fiction series Cosmic Dash:
- Deft Beck contributes to stories and concepts and can also be found on Twitter. Additionally, he manages the Cosmic Dash mirrors and creates themed Spotify playlists based on the characters. Deft Beck is also the creator of the spinoff series, NightLifers. Consider Deft Beck the second authority regarding canon.
- Kevin Hayman contributed inks to Cosmic Dash vol. 4, episode 2, and other instances in the series.
- Tobias Van Den Bergh is an animator who inked many pages in volume three. He can also be found on Twitter.
- Shrimpula inked Cosmic Dash vol. 4, episode 1. Shrimpula can be found on Twitter.
- Gage Lippolt wrote Galactic Hub Serreven – “Those Before Us.”
If you wish to support these creators, please contribute to the hpkomics Ko-fi account. This helps to fund further collaborations.
What is the Cosmic Dash Universe?

Cosmic Dash is a space opera webcomic – a science fiction series. The comic follows the crew of the Lucky Strike II, an experimental research vessel. The crew services clients of GalactiCorp. Dash and company find themselves on the very edge of galactic civilizations. Frequently, they find themselves swept up into the danger of a cold war between various factions that seems to be heating up at an alarming pace.

Silver Spiral Stories is a science fiction series anthology that follows characters and storylines introduced and developed in the main Cosmic Dash comic. This anthology series expands the larger universe of the primary comic. Consider it the companion to the stories in Cosmic Dash. Readers can find descriptions of the specially designated sub-series at
Readers can find a chronological listing across both series on the Story Archive – Series Canon and Timeline. Cosmic Dash and Silver Spiral Stories alternate updates on Saturdays.
Support the Project
Suppose you would like to support the project; you can do so in various ways. We are always thankful for donations. They cover hosting and paying contributors for their work. In the same vein, we love small donations, especially if they are recurring. Visit the support page at my portfolio site,, to learn more!
Want to get involved with the larger Cosmic Dash fan community? You should consider popping into the official Discord chat. We’d love to have you join us in exploring this science fiction series.
More Questions?
If you want to know more, chances are someone has already asked your question. Please visit the F.A.Q. page for more info, including technical specifications, canon questions, and much more!