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Story Archive – Series Canon and Timeline

This page is an index of all the canon Cosmic Dash stories currently available in the story archive. These stories will be compiled in timeline order, starting with the latest story at the top of the list. The earliest story will be at the very bottom. These include comics, short stories, and novellas. Because of Meilo Thench’s articles, those are excluded from the timeline but are assumed to be concurrent with the most recent stories unless some internal date is established.

Volumes will be marked with bold text, spinoffs will include the series title. Please enjoy this glimpse at the universe through the story archive. We also provide canon notes and corrections at the bottom of the page.

About the Calendar

The current year of the comic is GSY 3010. A year features five quinaries, designated as Q1-5, akin to quarters of the year. Each quinary spans roughly three months of 25 days each. Therefore, a Galactic Standard Year is roughly 375 days.

Story Archive – Canon Timeline

Vol. 4 – On the Road – GSY 3010 (Q4)

“On the Road” is the current volume of Cosmic Dash and, while currently unfinished, will span 18 days.

Vol. 3 – Re-Employment – GSY 3010 (Q3)

Volume 3, “Re-Employment,” covers a period of 25 days.

Vol. 2 – The Cube – GSY 3010 (Q3)

The events of “The Cube,” the second Cosmic Dash volume, span a period of 15 days.

Vol. 1 – Connections – GSY 3010 (Q2)

Volume one of Cosmic Dash, dubbed “Connections,” spans roughly three months, starting about one month into the journey of the Lucky Strike. This is also where Angn D’Lazmuh begins his job as Administrator of Galactic Hub Serreven.

Pre-Cosmic Dash

This period covers events set decades or even centuries before the current canon adventures of the Lucky Strike II crew.

Canon Notes

For updates to the canon, please check out the Canon Notes over at

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