Hm What is this? Apparently something is going down on the planet Cosaya. What is this leading to? What is formacyte? Why would you know?
That being said, we’re done with Grounded. Did you enjoy it? Tell me all about it. If you really liked it, consider becoming a patron through Patreon. That extra money helps cover the site costs, reimburses Tobias for his time spent inking, and helps in a spinoff that is in development. Even $1 does a lot, and at at least $5 you get postcards and art mailed to you.
Anyway, I’m taking a two week break starting next week, so that means…
We’re still looking for guest comics and pinups to run during the two week break, so by all means get them in. The original deadline was June 5th, but due to already receiving something I can push things out to the the week after, but send it what you can. It’s a huge help.
Now, when the comic comes back on the 19th we will not be jumping right into the next story, but rather we’ll be getting some brand new pages inserted into The Cube: Parts 1 & 2. These pages flesh out a few subplots and bring back some returning favorites like Orthos so that The Cube can be release as a graphic novel. How neat is that?
Once the 8 extra The Cube pages are completed, we move into a short 5 page comic, and then after than jump into episode 2.
Phew. Nice to have the road ahead that mapped out, right? In terms of other future material, Deft and I are still working on the visual novel. If you’re interested in contributing art to that, please contact me.
Just a couple of miscellaneous notes to wrap things up: I am available for commissions and coloring comics. Also, I’ve been doing Pay What You Want Streams Fridays and Saturdays, so check my twitter account to find out times. See you tonight, actually!