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Episode 2: Pg 34


… and here we are, at the end of the story. Looks like The Hand of the High Commander is going to get Mara wrapped into something dangerous. We’ll see where this goes in the next episode.

Oh, here is a close up of that poster. There is a story behind it… for another time.


Anyway, the next episode is going to come after a series of short comics that are going to explore some of the other characters and things going on right now, including some old friends and some answers to questions you may have burning in the back of your mind. That also means that there is going to be an art shift, as Tobi is being moved up to full-inker. He’s been an incredible help and I am hoping to keep him around for a long time.

So, time for a little house-keeping, shall we?

  • You can catch me at a couple cons this year. I will be at Palm Springs Comic-Con, and Comikaze. Please come and see me if you’re at either to score some free Cosmic Dash stuff.
  • There is now a Cosmic Dash discord channel that has been pretty active so far. If you want to chat with me, or use the patron-exclusive channel, for you patrons of course, please drop me a line on twitter or here in the comments.
  • SpiderForest, the wonderful collective I am involved with, is doing a Fall submissions period in August. So if you have a webcomic you want to pitch to the collective please do so.
  • Make sure you keep up with the Cosmic Dash Stories Archive! There have been multiple peices of lore and chapters of Nightlifers that have been posted since the last comics update. Speaking of the stories…
  • 48 Hours, the Cosmic Dash short story series I was working on has been renamed to Pause and Effect, and is now a novel that is about 90% complete. I am hoping to have a draft ready for Patrons to read by the end of August, and it will be accompanied by two short stories as well. You’re gonna love it if you’re a particular fan of the character interactions in the comic.
  • As always, my commission information is available.
  • Lastly, you didn’t hear it from me, but you might be able to contact the crew of the Lucky Strike II through this e-mail: How a .com address managed to connect to the GIN is beyond me. Maybe some multiversal shenanigans involving that guy with the blue hair? Anyway, I’d love to see what sort of responses people get.

Thanks for reading guys. Expect the first short story comic in a week or two. I think Vark might be coming back.

Any questions?

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