Moria… You fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum… shadow and flame. – Saruman
It’s been a while since the last page dump and I apologize for that. I’ve been super busy, as has Tobi, but we manged to get this batch completed and what a batch it is! We’ve worked out a decent system that should allow for more regular updates now as well, so my personal aim is to get back to guaranteed monthly page dumps. Please harass me on twitter for updates… I am completely serious about that.
As for the content of this page dump, I just want to point out a couple things:
- Page 19: Kemezeckian bodyplans are horrifying
- Page 20: The diagnostic wand Dorian picks up? The one Kracker bought for him in “Signing Bonus.”
- Page 21: Something tells me that Cosaya is going to be an important place…
As always, you can discuss recent events in the Cosmic Dash discord. Now onto some news!
The first giant bit of news is that the Cosmic Dash novel, Pause & Effect, is now available for $2.99. It’s a big read and takes place between Paranoia and The Cube. it’s worth a download. You should also pick up the first two installments of Galactic Hub Serreven while you’re at it, “Welcome Home” and “Diner Dash.”
Next up, I am happy to announce that since launching the official site in August of last year, RGBots has posted three comics a week, non-stop, and that won’t end anytime soon. We’re hard at work at season two with an art revamp that is a lot of fun, including some new panels. One way we’re celebrating is by doing a guest-comic run mid-February, just before we switch over to season two. Want to make an RGBots comic to promote your site, twitter, or comic? We have a graphic for that…
So if you want to get involved, please feel free. Draw a comic if you want, but even just sending us a 3-6 panel script works out great as well!
Arguably, the biggest piece of news with my work is that Cosmic Dash has left SpiderForest (which remains a wonderful group of people), and along with RGBots, represent a brand new webcomic collective of which I am a founder: Comicadia!

We have a hell of a lineup of comics and we’re going live within days of my writing this post. We have some big plans ahead and this has been something I have been working on as Tobi and I have been waiting for our production schedules to sync. I, personally, have poured a lot of my energy into this project alongside Jim, the founder and master-coder, and MonicaNG, who has some amazing CSS skills that took some of my graphic work and made it a functional, elegant site. I can’t wait for you all to see just how good this thing looks. I can’t wait to share all the future stuff we’ll be delivering through the site.
On that note, in the near future (within the year) I am aiming to revamp the site and go with something a little more stripped-down and minimal. I’ll make all the important notices as that time approaches.
Lastly, you may have heard about all that crazy stuff over and Patreon, and maybe you cancelled your pledge (I don’t blame you, at the time I encouraged my patrons to do the same). Patreon reverted their misguided decision and I am sticking with Patreon, but it motivated me to revamp my whole process of support. I outlined that in a lengthy Patreon-post, but here is the highlighted version:
Rewards are no longer tied to Patreon as a platform for supporting me, instead, I have developed a rather charming monthly newsletter which will launch at the end of the month (Jan 27th, my birthday, in particular) that includes a lot of great content including a comic strip. Best of all, no matter your contribution level, you get everything: the newsletter, the 30% commission discount, free ebooks, and patron discord access. I am not linking rewards to specific tiers anymore. I always saw Patreon as a tip jar and all I need is $1 a month per reader. There are other tiers if you are feeling more generous, of course, but for the most part it is a level field for everyone.
So, if you want free novels, enjoy the comics, or want 30% off my commissions, why not donate $1 a month to me? Or hell, if you can’t do Patreon, I’ll take paypal.
See you next month, I hope!