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Episode 4: Pg 26

I had a root canal today which was very, very unpleasant. Brush your teeth, kids. Trust me on this.

I am hoping that I can push out the first part of the next short story next week. I’ll really push myself to get it done. My latest quarter at UCR also begins next week so the sooner I get this stuff pushed out, the better.

cd_patreonI’d like to take a moment this week to thank everyone who came into the Saturday Stream on… Saturday. It went really well, and I’ll be streaming again this Saturday around 4PM. Though I may start earlier.

This week we also have the launch of the Cosmic Dash page at Patreon. Patreon is a service that can be used to support ongoing projects that is similar to kickstarter. I currently offer two tiers of $1 and $5 for every 5 pages of comics. Patrons get sketches and previews and such. It’s pretty cool and I suggest you take a peek around at some of the other projects there. I’ll make sure to add patreon info to the Support page. I also signed up for another service called flattr. If you are a flattr user, just click the flatter widget under each comic or short story to add me to your monthly flattr allocation.

Anyway, I guess that is about it for this week.



I am basically just going to pull my suggestions from Webcomitron 6000 now. Check out A Ghost Story.

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