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Episode 5: Pg 10

First of all, happy Valentines Day if you give a crap, and happy regular day if you don’t!

Boy, no love lost between these two crews, is there?

Anyway, a few announcements. First of all, only six days left in the fan art contest! Cash and software is up for grabs, so get your entries in soon! Secondly, I am increasing my usage of Patreon as a platform to support Cosmic Dash. There is an entirely new support tier of $15 dollars that nets you signed, physical copies of the issue that you support. In addition, I will be doing a patreon-exclusive companion comic. You can read all about it at Patreon, but the basic gist is that the comic is only available to be read by supporters. For as little as $1 every once in a while you can have access to those pages as well. Those comics won’t interfere with Cosmic Dash, but they will be set in the same universe, so they’re worth keeping an eye on. All you gotta do is support Cosmic Dash.

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