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Episode 5: Pg 11


The contest is over, so thank you all who reblogged and shared the link. While we only received a single entry, it was a nice one.

The winning entry was by Nikolai McFist of Charles and Viktor. Thanks for the exciting art!

Anyway, there’s been some hubbub to share. First of all, we have several new patrons at the Cosmic Dash patreon, and for good reason. First of all is the introduction of a new support tier I am attempting. This tier is a $15 tier where it is done per story. It provides the same level of access, you just have to do a lump some of $15 per story. Remember, there is still the $1 per five updates and $5 per five updates tiers as well. I have also been giving users a chance to influence comic pages through patreon as well, so consider tossing me a single buck a month, really. Any little bit helps. Five will net you a custom sketch, which is even cooler.

The second reason for the new patrons is that I will be doing a Cosmic Dash spinoff comic that can only be seen by patrons. The comic is called Galactic Hub Serreven, and I will be providing the first few pages as a preview. After a while they’ll be locked behind patron. These will be ink-ready pages with the dialogue, kind of like a preview of the story before it goes into production. This is not just some throw away comic, it’s a sister comic I’ve been wanting to do for a long, long time, and is treated just as seriously as Cosmic Dash is.

In other news, the final two Star Fox cosplay pieces should be done this weekend, and then I’ll be able to assemble the wallpaper. It’ll probably be the last freebie I’ll do for a while as I want to attach the wallpapers to the $100 support goal as far as my hosting fees are concerned.

Another bit of news is that I’ve done some large-scale promotional art as I am planning on getting a vinyl banner printed. I’ll share pictures of it when I have it.

Lastly, I updated page 20 of the first episode. The original page was more horizontally oriented, and this new version won’t require turning the book to view. Considering how heavy the first volume is likely to be when it’s made available, I think I made the smart choice.

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