Don’t mess with the bird lady.
If I have been less visible outside of these weekly updates as of late it is because this final quarter at my University is just wearing me out. I am mere weeks away from my Bachelor’s though, which is exciting! Things should mellow out a bit on my end so I can be a little more active in ways and such.
For example, I’ve neglected GHS over at the Patreon page, but I am hoping to rectify that a bit this weekend, even if it’s just getting a panel or two drawn. I also need to get the next installment of the Facebook story done as well. Normally I’d do the bulk of my comic creating on Saturday, but I have my final papers I’d like to get started on, so we’ll see how the heck I juggle that.
One thing that keeps me going is hearing from you guys. I have a bunch of questions to respond to in the forum, but I am always up for more, particularly those that I can reply to quickly, such as in the comment area below. Any characters introduced so far you’re curious about or really liked?