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Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 13

Dorian recalls a tragedy, and Dash reflects on a cosmic hero in this week’s Cosmic Dash update. This is Cosmic Dash 4.2.13, part of “Ladies’ Fight.” I had not originally had this page in the script for the issue, but I was inspired by a train of thought while working on the previous page that I wrote to add to the story. I think it was well worth it.

But before we dive into the latest Cosmic Dash page, here are some general updates.


In case you missed the latest “Blood & Oil” page, you can check it out right here.

Silver Spiral Stories 103 - not quite a cosmic hero!

The blog has also been updated with some revised posts and well as some other miscellaneous posts. Here are the latest posts: The full archive is also available.

More updates are on the way. I will also build updated image galleries here on the Cosmic Dash website, such as rebuilding the reference art archive. I want to collect the current sketchbook images I have been posting on Mastodon.

Unrelated to Cosmic Dash: RGBots is updating again. I also post daily illustrations on my website and Mastodon account as well.

Photon Glider – A Cosmic Hero!

This week we’re introduced to one of Dash’s obsessions – and we’re only going to see more of it as time goes on. Photon Glider is an action-adventure comic and cartoon developed by DaDaVid – a creative studio. This cosmic hero is the super-powered alter-ego of Goten Litestep, a Gomben scientist. An accident involving cosmic rays during a photonic charging experiment resulted in Goten gaining the power to generate mass through beams of light. This is the “hard light” of Photo Glider!

The franchise is about 70 years old and was an obsession of Razaar, Dash’s father. Dash found Razaar’s box of Photon Glider merch in Razaal’s home, and Dash became obsessed. When Dash mentions he wants to make Photon Glider’s powers a reality, he is not kidding.

Will he be able to do so? That’s the question.

Volume 4 Episode 3 – Page 13 Transcript

The following is a transcript of page 13 of Vol. 4, Ep. 3, “Ladies’ Fight,” posted on January 21, 2023.

Panel One

Dorian D’Lazmuh scans the still-comatose Guugel within the seed pod.

Dash (OS): “Hey, Dorian. What made you want to become a doctor?”

Panel Two

Dorian thinks back to a traumatic event. A Grey hand is holding the hand of a severely injured Grey undergoing intensive treatment. The injured Grey is also covered in tubing and bandages.

Dorian: “I’ve just always had the desire to help people. Runs in the family…”

Panel Three

Dash Kameku continues to speak to Dorian. Dorian glances back to ask a question of Dash.

Dorian: “What about you? Why did you want to be an engineer?”

Dash: “You won’t laugh?”

Panel Four

Dash smiles as he thinks about Photon Glider. The Photon Glider is seen in what appears to be an eye-catcher for an animated series.

Dash: “I am a big fan of Photon Glider and want to make his powers a reality!”

Dorian (OS):  “What?”

Panel Five

A flashback of Dash in his room on Ocia. He is reading books from a box marked “Raz’s.” A small toy Photon Glider can be seen leaning up against the box.

Dash (OS): “Photon Glider. A cartoon and comic. I thought his powers were so cool… I got really into it as a kid.”

Panel Six

Dorian laughs at Dash; Dash is embarrassed.

Dorian: “That’s so nerdy!”

Dash: “H-hey!”

If you want to spread the word about the comic, a vote on Top Webcomics helps! See you next week at for a new page over there!

One Comment

  1. ColdFusion
    ColdFusion January 21, 2023

    Cmon everyone dreamed that right? then when we found out it wasn’t likely to be possible, gave up on our engineering dreams..

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